The 7OSME Organising committee are keen to work with organisations and groups with similar aims, being the promotion of Applied Origami in Science, Mathematics, Education and Design. If you or your organisation would like to help support the conference in financial or other ways, please contact us to discuss collaborative opportunities.
7OSME Sponsors and Support
The 7OSME conference is grateful for the support offered by the following organisations who have provided financial and in-kind support toward 7OSME.
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation http://www.dajf.org.uk/ |
Gabriella & Paul Rosenbaum Foundation http://rosenbaum-foundation.org/Foundation.html |
The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation http://www.gbsf.org.uk/ |
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications http://www.ima.org.uk |
The Maurice Lubbock Memorial Fund |
Other Supporters